

7月31日、山川港は山に囲まれた良港ですが店まで遠く、風呂屋もないとのことで、午前中にすぐ北の指宿港へ風雨激しい中、約1時間掛けてKing Beeを移動。プレジャーボートのビジター岸壁用意されていたのでそこへ横付け。防波堤は2重にあり、台風の風の方向は船が岸壁に打ち付けられない方向なのでいいと判断。太いロープを何本も用いて係留し、ロープの擦れ止めも実施。軽油を170リッター購入。今晩もコーラルビーチホテルに泊まることとし田原迫さんに車で迎えに来ていただく(歩いて10分だけど風雨強いので)。彼には、係留場所の事前確認、軽油手配、弁当手配など今日もいろいろお世話になりました。

At 16:40, July 30, we arrived at Yamakawa port of Kagoshima Pref. , after a bit hard against wind sailing., mostly with one point reef main and motoring at 2500rpm( pretty high rate), tacking many times. Sato-san's friend, Tabaruzako-san, Vice president of Coral Beach Hotel , came to the harbor by car and took us to a nice hot spring , and then to his hotel. We had a gorgeous dinner and stayed in the hotel for the first time during this voyage. We found his mother is the president, and for my surprise, her elder sister is the wife of  my colleague who worked as a rocket engineer in Mitsubishi Heavy Industries,Ltd.
In the morning of July 31, we moved King Bee to Ibusuki port about 2M north of Yamakawa, because Yamakawa is not convenient. Ibusuki port is close to Coral Beach Hotel and other shops and restaurants.So, we decided to stay in the same hotel tonight, too. Typhoon's wind seems to be increasing. We might have to stay here for a couple of days more.
Hot spring



Visitor wharf at Ibusuki port

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