
Left Sado for Awashima-Island

  7月27日夕、宿根木で行われた白山丸祭り前夜祭で、何回かキングビーでの夜の席に来てくれた若者立石 雷さんが所属する和太鼓チーム「鼓童」の演奏があると言うので出掛けました。演歌歌手城之内早苗さんの歌もありました。「鼓童」の太鼓は迫力満点でよかったです。

 In the evening of July 27 we went to see the preceding evening event of  Hakusan-maru (reproduction of  old Japanese ship) held at Shukunegi town 5km west of Ogi where King Bee is tied. In front of Hakusan-maru, a woman singer sang popular musics and a Japanese traditional drum show was palyed by a group"Kodo" . One young member of Kodo ,Rai Tateishi,had visited King Bee several times with other young nearby residents.
  At 5:00 of July 28(today) King Bee left Ogi where she had stayed 10days. Ohshima-san's wife got off King Bee here. Several nearby young people who had visted King Bee several times and enjoyed drinking togerther  got together on the wharf before 5:00. The young team member of Kodo, Rai Tateishi brought a Japanese drum(Taiko) together with the other young member and played Taiko and a bumboo fruit to see us off. We were deeply  impressed by their kindness. Sayonara Sado and its people!





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