11月30日朝11時ころTown Basin Marinaから5分ばかり川を下って、左岸にあるRiverside Drive Marinaのポンツーンへ移動し係留。ガンネル、デッキなどのニス塗りを実施。
12月1日昼過ぎに、ベルトが2本付いた門型クレーンでkING BEEを引上げて保管場所へ移動し、これから約3か月余り居座ることになる船台に無事収めることができました。ここはMarinaというもののYacht Yardを兼ねており陸上敷地内に塗装会社、エンジン整備会社、金属加工会社があります。早速塗装会社の人を呼び、船体塗装の見積もりを依頼。NZでは規則により吹付塗装は室内でしか認められないから、マストを外さねばならなず費用が嵩むが、はけ塗り塗装ならその必要がなく経済的とのことで、少し刷毛あとが残るが我慢することで後者を選択しました。
On Nov.29 ,Tokuko-san went to Aukland to see her friend and returned to Japan next day.
On Nov.30, we moved to Riverside Drive Marina motoring down the river for 5 minutes, and started repainting the gunwale ,the teak deck and the other outer wooden area with varnish.
On Dec.1, KING BEE was hauled out by a belt lifter and placed on a cradle which she will be sitting more than three months on. In the site of Riverside Drive Marina, like the other yacht yards, there are conveniently a paiting shop, a metal shop and an engine repair shop. I got the quatation of hull repainingt selecting the economical hand painting because ,by law ,spray paiting has to be done inside a house which necessitates taking off the masts.
Takaoka-san left on Dec.2 for Milfordsound trecking. Taguchi-san and I left Whangarei on Dec.3 and returned to Nagoya nextday. The beginning half of our Pacific cruising thus ended safely.